Book Summary of Meta-Learning by Radek Osmulski

  • Attention is all you need: Price of context switching is high, the best way to make the progress on learning and writing is long, uninterrupted deep work sessions.

  • Read Code: The best way to improve as a developer is to read and write code. In this context, deep learning courses by is helpful, as studying its course gives intuition behind the series of operations performed. Excellent talk about reading code

  • Find your state of flow: We are never in or out of the state of flow, by incrementally changing our environment we can manage to start experiencing flow on regular basis.
  • Be open to newer experiences: We hold erroneous beliefs about situations we are involved in, and when we dispute and change them, we become a tiny bit saner. Read more about Rational emotive behavior therapy
  • Focus on doing genuine work: Reading a tutorial, for instance, can hardly produce any positive change, however, if we take notes, write some code, use it as a mini project our learning compounds

  • Make small and incremental steps: Any difficult problem might seem intimidating at first, however, the idea is to always move in small increments, using simpler programs as a stepping stone to more complex ones.

  • We learn by reflecting on our experiences.
  • One of the most essential I learned as a Software Developer is that, It’s much easier and quicker to finish something when you have a vision of the end state.
  • Speak about your experience: It can help others create a mental map of what "to" or "not to" follow.
  • Practice,Practice, Practice. Spend 80% doing and 20% reading theory
  • Tenacity: It can move or break mountains
  • Be open to change: We are more likely we are to stick to the conventional path, and hence repeat our mistake, keep track of what did not work for yourself in the past
  • One way to look for a mentor is Permissionless Apprenticeship
  • Another way of getting expert mentorship is to open yourself to like-minded people, how? Check out this blog post
  • Become involved in the community: To quote directly from the book: "There is pure magic to observing someone who is just like you and who does the things you want to be able to do. You become inspired. You no longer have to grasp in the dark for ways to approach things; instead, you can adopt strategies that demonstrably work."
  • Be conscious about what you eat